Center for Disaster Healthcare Preparedness (CDHP) | COM Research-十大彩票网投平台
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Center for Disaster Healthcare Preparedness

Alabama Healthcare Coalition Coordination Program

In order to meet the statewide need for continued Healthcare Coalition (HCC) assessments, training, planning and coordination, the University of South Alabama, Center for Disaster Healthcare Preparedness (CDHP) developed the Alabama Healthcare Coalition Coordination Program in 2017.  Alabama has 9 Healthcare Coalitions comprised of diverse memberships that work together to strengthen healthcare delivery system readiness through planning, exercising and training.  These activities are designed to enhance patient outcomes and continuity of care during emergency incidents that exceed the day-to-day capabilities of providers and response agencies. HCC membership includes, but is not limited to, Hospitals, Emergency Management Agencies (EMA), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Public Health, Nursing Homes, Hospice, Mental/Behavioral Health, Faith-Based organizations and Durable Medical Equipment suppliers, volunteer organizations as well as non-governmental entities, such as private business. To learn more about Healthcare Coalitions, contact USA-CDHP or the HCC Coordinator in your District. 


CDHP works closely with the nine Healthcare Coalitions to develop and strengthen preparedness and response capabilities through the implementation of objectives and activities defined in the 2017-2022 Healthcare Preparedness and Response Capabilities document.  CDHP oversees a comprehensive HCC Coordination Program which includes ongoing assessments that advance & track planning accomplishments, strives to identify and close gaps through efficient resource management strategies and provide targeted training to address identified preparedness and response gaps. CDHP also supports HCCs through oversight of fiscal agent funds allocated specifically for the mission to advance healthcare response and readiness within Alabama.   HCCs are tasked to bridge identified gaps and needs based on their respective jurisdictional HCC work plans, budgets and prioritization of projects.  

NOTE: Training activities (BASIC, Onsite/RoadShows, Simulation, and Administrative Symposium) have been temporarily suspended.  Updates will be posted to the website under "Training Details" once resumed. 


Alabama Healthcare Coalition District Map & Contacts


AL Healthcare Coalition Map Image